Friday, March 27, 2015

Androgens, hair loss and eugenics: a tale of discovery and American social history.

Androgens, hair loss and eugenics: a tale of discovery and American social history.


According to Hippocrates 'eunuchs are not subject to gout nor do they become bald' (Aphorisms VI, 28). The explanation for this insight into male balding eventually emerged over two millennia later from the work of the American anatomist James B Hamilton (Fig.1), published in the American Journal of Anatomy in 1942 (1). (The full text is freely available via Prior to this it was well known that balding is an inherited trait and that it is more common in men than women (2, 3). It was also known that scalp hair loss occurs in women with androgen-secreting tumours. But it was Hamilton who made the key connection that male balding requires both a genetic predisposition and testosterone. This article is protected by copyright. All rights reserved.
This article is protected by copyright. All rights reserved.

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