Tuesday, March 24, 2015

Identification of stage-specific markers during differentiation of hair cells from mouse inner ear stem cells or progenitor cells in vitro.

Identification of stage-specific markers during differentiation of hair cells from mouse inner ear stem cells or progenitor cells in vitro.

The induction of inner ear hair cells from stem cells or progenitor cells in the inner ear proceeds through a committed inner ear sensory progenitor cellstage prior to hair cell differentiation. To increase the efficacy of inducing inner ear hair cell differentiation from the stem cells or progenitor cells, it is essential to identify comprehensive markers for the stem cells/progenitor cells from the inner ear, the committed inner ear sensory progenitor cellsand the differentiating hair cells to optimize induction conditions. Here, we report that we efficiently isolated and expanded the stem cells or progenitorcells from postnatal mouse cochleae, and induced the generation of inner ear progenitor cells and subsequent differentiation of hair cells. We profiled the gene expression of the stem cells or progenitor cells, the inner ear progenitor cells, and hair cells using aRNA microarray analysis. The pathway and gene ontology (GO) analysis of differentially expressed genes was performed. Analysis of genes exclusively detected in one particular cellular population revealed 30, 38, and 31 genes specific for inner ear stem cells, inner ear progenitor cells, and hair cells, respectively. We further examined the expression of these genes in vivo and determined that Gdf10+Ccdc121, Tmprss9+Orm1, and Chrna9+Espnl are marker genes specific for inner ear stem cells, inner ear progenitor cells, and differentiating hair cells, respectively. The identification of these marker genes will likely help the effort to increase the efficacy of hair cell induction from the stem cells or progenitor cells.
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